



While poverty persists, there is no true freedom.
~ Nelson Mandela

Poverty continues to be an important problem in India, making true freedom and progress seemingly impossible. India gained independence in 1945, and still struggles with challenges in the areas of finance, sustainable livelihood, education, nutrition and hunger.

Veel families hebben moeite om rond te komen. Sterfgevallen als gevolg van armoede, waaronder zelfdoding, komen regelmatig voor. Oxford Poverty and Human Development Index geeft de volgende definitie aan armoede: Een gebrek aan inkomsten voor duurzaam levensonderhoud, honger, ondervoeding, beperkte toegang tot onderwijs en faciliteiten, en sociale en economische discriminatie.


Poverty is one of the harsh realities of life in India.

  • According to a CNN survey, only 5% of India’s population made enough to pay taxes, 2.5% owned a vehicle, and less than 10%had a salaried job.
  • Illiteracy is extremely common in rural areas. Only 3.5% of students in India graduate and about 35.7% of the population doesn’t know how to write or read.
  • In 2012, there were 270 million — or one in every five — impoverished Indians; 80% of poor Indians lived in rural areas.
  • Many of the poor Indians have no access to basic amenities: 21% of poor Indians have restrooms, 61% have electricity and only 6% have tap water.
  • A heartbreaking 38 out of every 1,000 babies born in India die before their first birthday.
  • The rapid population growth in India outpaces the country's income growth, leading to a need for more low-wage labour and exacerbating poverty.
  • India's extreme climate, including scorching heat and natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, and cyclones, hampers work productivity, damages agriculture, and affects people living in poverty.
  • “Your Article Library” explains that low levels of investment create low income and perpetuate the cycle of poverty
  • India has the largest population living below the poverty line, with 30% surviving on less than $1.90 a day, according to Business Today.
  • Approximately 56% of Indians, around 680 million people, struggle to meet their basic needs, according to The Huffington Post. Even those above the poverty line, around 413 million people, remain vulnerable to harsh conditions.



The impact of poverty on people’s lives is profound:

  • Een laag inkomen geeft veel stress aan bijvoorbeeld ouders, die worstelen om voor het gezin te kunnen zorgen
  • Lack of education perpetuates the cycle of poverty, as parents cannot afford to provide higher education, leading to school dropouts and child labour.
  • Finding employment can be difficult due to a lack of education, as companies and organizations prefer hiring individuals with qualifications.
  • The stress of poverty can lead to family breakdowns.
  • Crime rates increase as individuals resort to illegal activities to fulfil their basic needs.
  • Poverty-induced mental pressure and depression contribute to a significant number of suicides.
  • Discrimination against the poor is prevalent, as people create social barriers and standards to avoid engaging with them.
  • Lack of access to medical care and the high cost of critical treatments lead to preventable deaths.
  • Abuse, particularly towards women, is pervasive within households.


Create opportunities

Purple’s answer to poverty revolves around empowering women and girls. We believe in providing opportunities for women and girls to reach their full potential and break free from poverty. As Purple, we invest in their skills, and support them in starting their own businesses. Our goals align with ending poverty in all its forms, promoting inclusive and equitable quality education, achieving gender equality, and fostering sustainable economic growth. By reducing inequality, we aim to create a brighter future for women and girls, and their communities in India. The path to eradicating poverty starts with collective effort and a commitment to change.

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Rashmi Tandi


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Jochebed Neuteboom


“I believe that from the opportunities and possibilities we have been given, we can share with others, changing their lives from underprivileged to promising.”

In mijn dagelijkse leven ben ik artiestenmanager en ben ik als organisator betrokken bij diverse evenementen. Maar dit zijn niet mijn roots. Mijn carrière begon na het behalen van de HBO-V in de zorg. Daarna ben ik als opleider in een verpleeghuis aan de slag gegaan en mocht hiervoor mijn Bachelor of Education afronden. De gemene deler is altijd een combinatie geweest van organiseren en de zorg voor mensen. Ik zet mijn talenten graag in om een ander verder op weg te helpen.

From a young age, poverty and injustice have always moved me to action. When travelling through India for work, the poverty of the local people affected me. But what really got me right in the heart was the situations of many women and girls in this country. Where I’ve been given so many opportunities to evolve into who I am now, they were not given any.

I am committed to these women. That’s why I founded Purple. With this foundation, I want to help underprivileged women start their own businesses, so they can build up a promising future. 

Ik woon in Ede, ben getrouwd met een lieve man en moeder van vier kinderen. Ik houd ervan om met mensen af te spreken met een goede kop koffie erbij. Ik ben eigenlijk altijd bezig en geniet ervan nieuwe uitdagingen aan te gaan.